
How to set up twitch alerts
How to set up twitch alerts

how to set up twitch alerts

  • Layout: Select from one of the three layout options – Image/gif above text, image/gif behind text, or image/gif to the left of text.
  • Let’s go over the Sources and Settings menu one option at a time to cover all our bases. I’ll use hosts for this example, as I’m using some of the Streamlabs Prime assets for this alert. To start customizing your twitch alerts within Streamlabs, start by expanding the selection for your desired alert on the menu to the left. You can test your alerts at any time along the way by clicking “Test Widgets” at the top right of the settings box. You can start by setting the alertbox to your desired size at the top left, set a custom frame rate, and work on your global settings at the top of the menu on the left of the settings screen. You can duplicate your current scene collection or start from scratch while working on your alerts.Īdd an alertbox from the source list and open the settings for your alertbox. To start customizing your Streamlabs alerts, create a test collection and add any scenes that you are planning to use. I will also cover a way to set up a test alert box if you want to skip ahead and do that now. Set aside a specific time to make these changes off stream in case you can’t finish in one go so your alerts aren’t broken for your next stream. I recommend testing your alerts when you don’t have streams scheduled to make sure you don’t overwrite any of your current settings when you’re in a time crunch. You also have the option to customize your alerts in the Streamlabs software or on their website by logging in using your streaming platform. You can create alerts in Streamlabs using their assets or add your own assets that you’ve custom made, downloaded elsewhere, or hired someone to design for you. We’ll also go over a couple of tools that I used to create my alerts so you don’t have to waste hours looking for these resources like I did! How to create custom alerts for Twitch

    how to set up twitch alerts

    Let’s look at how you can customize your Streamlabs alert box to get your alerts just how you’d like them.

    how to set up twitch alerts

    Whether you are just starting your streaming career, or you’ve been streaming for years at this point, setting up custom Twitch alerts can help bring your channel together into a neat and cohesive experience for your viewers.

    How to set up twitch alerts